My recovery from shoulder surgery has ended my ski season for the year so I've been filling my time with ice fishing. While not nearly as entertaining as fly fishing I've started to really enjoy ice fishing and I find it to be a great excuse to get outside for the day. Most my fishing has been out on Jackson Lake, the lake trout have been averaging 18-23 inches, with some really good days and some skunks. That's part of the fun is figuring out a totally new sport.
The weather here is getting pretty nice and the river fishing is just starting to pickup. My roomate went wade fishing on the snake today and said it was really good with lots of fish rising to midges in the slow water. I'm hoping that I'll get to go wade fish the South Fork this weekend as the high temps are supposed to get up into the 40's. The snowpack is at about 86% of normal right now which should set us up well for the summer, as long as the weather doesn't suddenly turn warm and dry that is. Hopefully I'll have some nice trout pictures to post up here after this weekend!